KoçZer Code of Conduct and Compliance Policies

calisma ilkelerimiz ve uyum politikalari

Here at KoçZer, we live by three basic principles: to be fair in all our relationships, to act in goodwill and with understanding in the name of mutual benefit, and to always abide by the law and moral ethics. We've devised our " KoçZer Code of Conduct and Compliance Policies" to serve that purpose. We believe they will positively improve our relations surrounding our ecosystem, and the policies behind them will guide our goals and how we do business.

KoçZer Code of Conduct and Compliance Policies comprise a crucial part of Koç Group's Compliance Program. As part of that, we strive to guide our management, employees, business partners, and those who act on our behalf.

Our compliance program and the rules, policies, and procedures help us identify and manage our company's compliance issues with a risk-based approach. Likewise, we want to set up a compliance framework that's comprehensive and effective, and that caters to our company's needs— all the while proving our commitment to regulations, policies, corporate best practices and being as ethical as humanly possible.