Our approach to sustainability

Recognizing our responsibility to the world and society, we develop projects that leverage the impact of our numerous collaborations, all aimed at contributing to the ideal of a better future.
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Our dream is similar

Through the Our Dream is Similar Cooperation Program, we embrace the ‘Responsible Consumption and Production’ approach, as outlined in the 12th goal of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We assess and reward innovative project ideas and practices developed by our business partners, with the goal of expanding their reach to amplify their positive impact.

  • Inception: 2019
  • Scope: Ideas or projects focused on responsible consumption and production
  • Application Period: Every year in April
  • Award: Best Environmental Program in Europe (Stevie Awards 2021)
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Every gift to education

Driven by the belief that a bright future is built through education, we have transformed all gifts given to our business partners, suppliers, and stakeholders for congratulations and condolences since 2020 into contributions that support the education of youth.

  • Contribution to the Turkish Education Foundation Mustafa V. Koç Scholarship Fund
  • Monthly support for the education of a female high school student
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Workplace culture sensitive to gender equality

We foster a workplace culture that promotes gender equality by conducting awareness-raising activities and developing projects on this important issue. We are committed to voluntary initiatives that support equality and empowerment.

  • Supporter of the HeForShe movement (2015)
  • Signatory to the UN Women's Empowerment Principles (2017)
  • Recipient of Gender Equality Awards
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