MAY 22, 2020

Mehmet Apak: The trauma of the outbreak will be overcome by protecting the ecosystem

In his interview published on Dünya Newspaper dated 22 May 2020, our General Manager Mehmet Apak made assessments on the procurement sector in light of the Coronavirus outbreak.

Emphasizing the collaboration we created between our customers and suppliers during the pandemic, Apak stated in his interview “We are a bridge between the customers who want to make procurement and the suppliers. In 2019, we said that the ones who collaborate and share will be the ones to take the stage instead of the ones who stay alone’. The traumatic process we are going through showed how correct our strategy was. Our ecosystem worked well. The trauma of the outbreak will be overcome by protecting the ecosystem”.

Stating in his interview that Promena, our strategic procurement solution, is the first and only Turkish platform provider which made it to the “50 Procurement Providers To Know” list of Spend Matters, which is a global procurement network followed around the world, he said “While all sectors suffered the difficulties of the transition to digital in this challenging process, we enjoyed the advantages of being a technological procurement company. The investments we have made in digital transformation for years, keeping up with the technological innovations and improving ourselves, using the technologies that suit us in our own business areas, ensured uninterrupted progress of the workflow between our suppliers and customers”.

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