APRIL 22, 2024
Temiziş Ofset & Dijital clinches the top prize in Our Shared Dream!

In the culminating year of the Our Shared Dream Program (“Hayalimiz Benzer”), launched in 2019 under the banner of ‘Our dreams and responsibilities for our future are our shared goal’, Temiziş Ofset & Dijital’s Environmentalist Printing Systems project emerged victorious. This project, which outshone others we tracked throughout the year, aimed to reduce carbon footprints through decreased energy consumption and minimized use of chemicals, metal plates, and water in traditional printing plate exposure processes.

Originally conceived as an idea project in Our Shared Dream, the Eco-Friendly Printing Systems initiative achieved notable success in its first year of implementation. Results included an impressive 83 percent reduction in reservoir water usage and an average chemical reduction of xx percent.

We commend Temiziş Ofset & Dijital for translating their vision into reality and award them the grand prize. In recognition of their achievement, we've contributed to the education of three female high school students through a donation to the Mustafa V. Koç Scholarship Fund, administered by the Turkish Education Foundation (TEV).

Congratulations to Temiziş Ofset & Dijital on their outstanding project, and we're delighted to play a role in shaping a brighter future for our world.

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