Zer ranked 120th this year in Capital500, listing Turkiye's largest 500 private companies.
In the research on the biggest companies of many sectors that shape the business world in Turkiye, from industry to services, telecoms to informatics, and construction to trade, the three largest sectors of this year are listed as food-beverage, automotive, iron-steel and energy-oil.
Growing by 10.1% in 2020, the Capital500 companies achieved a 58.3% nominal growth this year and gained a 23% real momentum. In terms of profitability, companies achieved a 168.8% nominal growth and a 108.8% real growth with a 3-digit spike for the first time.
In the research where 42 provinces were represented, 86.26% of the total turnover of 500 companies was realized by the top 10 provinces with the highest number of companies. Istanbul, on the other hand, experiences a continuous loss in terms of both the number of companies and shares. Ranking with 248 companies in the 2020 survey, Istanbul has lost 5 points compared to the previous year and realized 55.44% of the total turnover with 236 companies this year.